members who office in the Experiential Engineering Building:
from the left, Ashley Scheideman ’08, Mandy Fleming ’98,
James Tully ’10, Lindsay Zimmerman ’12, Adam Weller ’13/15,
current student Fanny Ochoa, and Jeremiah Adair ’15.
Editor: Connie Kachel White
Design: Bryan Masters ’83
Contributing Art Director: Cheryl Capps ’79/81
Staff Writer: Jessica Seibel ’08
Contributing Writers: Amy Geiszler-Jones; Bob Lutz ’84
Photography: Bryan Masters ’83; Jeff Tuttle, cover; Connie Kachel White
Illustration: Richard Crowson fs ’91; Scott Dawson ’86; Wade Hampton; Dustin Parker
The Shocker is published twice annually by the Wichita State University Alumni Association (WSUAA) for association members and other selected audiences. Copyright © 2017 by the WSUAA. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Annual magazine subscription is a benefit of membership. Magazine offices are located at 4205 E. 21st Street in the Woodman Alumni Center. Mailing address: 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0054. Phone: (316) 978-3835. Fax: (316) 978-3088. E-mail: connie.white@wichita.edu.
Notice of Nondiscrimination: Wichita State University does not discriminate in its employment practices, educational programs or activities on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. Retaliation against an individual filing or cooperating in a complaint process is also prohibited. Sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking are forms of sex discrimination and are prohibited under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints or concerns related to alleged discrimination may be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity or the Title IX Coordinator, Wichita State University, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita KS 67260-0138; telephone (316) 978-3187.
The Shocker
Wichita State’s alumni magazine
Spring/Summer 2017
Vol. 19, No. 2
Courtney M. Marshall, president and CEO
Tate Blanton, assistant director of alumni programs
Scott Heinrichs, director of finance
Donna Lamb, executive assistant
Lynn Loveland, director of alumni programs
Nita Reed, records supervisor
Stacy Salters, assistant director of alumni information
Jessica Seibel, communications associate
Stacy Shanahan, membership coordinator
Erin Stieben, director of marketing and membership
Connie White, director of communications
Chris Purdum ’07, chair
Cathy Carrier, chair elect/vice-chair of administrative programs
Shawn Penner ’92/93, vice-chair of finance/secretary-treasurer
Kim Hartwell ’78, vice-chair of alumni programs
Rachel Allen ’01, vice-chair of development programs
Holly Dyer ’88, vice-chair of university programs
Joe Hand ’99, vice-chair of membership/volunteer recruitment
Mindy McPheeters ’96, immediate past board chair
Paul Allen ’70, WSU Foundation board chair, ex-officio
Brandon Baker ’06
John Bardo, WSU president, ex-officio, voting
Laura Bernstorf ’04
Darron Boatright, WSU director of athletics, ex-officio
Frank Chappell ’68
Cindy Claycomb ’79/91
Marcella Clegg ’02
Dave Cunningham ’86
Vic Everett ’79
David Fahrbach ’74
Dana Fleming-Mastio ’78
Arthur Glass, Jr. fs ’03
Lou Heldman, WSU vice president for strategic communications, ex-officio
Elizabeth King, WSU Foundation president and CEO, ex-officio
Caleb Klein ’10
Bill Luebbert ’85/88
Luke Luttrell ’02
Darren Muci ’84
Jared Santos, WSUAA Shockers Forever president, ex-officio
Sean Tarbell fs ’89, SASO board of directors president, ex-officio
Lily Wu ’07
Denise Ziegler ’79