Spring 2016

Sharing Shocker Pride

campus visit

Dear WSU Alumni Association,

Last Saturday (April 16), I visited WSU’s campus after almost 40 years.

I had done my MBA from WSU in 1977. Unfortunately, the alumni association was closed. The trip was so sudden that I could not make any prior contact.

However, let me tell you, it was an overwhelming experience to be (back on campus). I wish I could have met some people.

I went inside Clinton Hall, where my college was and took pictures.

I am from India. I’ve been a professor and dean of business administration in universities in India. Now I’m retired and am visiting my daughter and her family in Houston.

Thanking you.


Surjya Kumar Misra ’77, Bhubaneswar, India 

Editor’s Note: Along with his note to the WSUAA, S.K. Misra sent a number of photos, which, with his permission, we posted on Facebook. The photos, including the one above of him, his wife and his granddaughter, created quite the Shocker social media buzz.

Dear The Shocker,

I love the magazine!

Marché Fleming-Randle, WSU senior assistant dean and assistant to the president for diversity

Dear The Shocker,

I received the magazine (fall-winter 2015) a few days ago. It looks fantastic. The article (“On to Seattle: Grad Credits Career Development Center for Helping Find First Job”) is wonderful. You guys did a great job.

Thank you.

Ryan Schrader ’15, Seattle, Wash.

Dear The Shocker,

Loved seeing all of the AGH Shockers in the last issue of The Shocker magazine! Thanks again for the opportunity to show our Shocker pride!

Tammy J. Allen, Allen, Gibbs & Houlik LC, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Wichita