Summer 2003

Thank You, 2003 Heritage Fund Contributors

The association salutes these generous individuals and couples who contributed to the 2003 Heritage Fund. Thank You, 2003 Heritage Fund Contributors.

Richard and Mary Lou Adams, Virginia Addington, Don and Dorothy Albers, Tom and Jeannine Allen, Buck and Gladys Alley, Thornton Anderson, James Anderson, Steve and Naomi Anderson, George Antone, A. Roger Anzzolin, Pete and Mickey Armstrong, Janet Bahr, Susan Bupp Bailey, Ernie and Joan Balay, Robin Bauer, Shane and Becky Bayless, Jerry Bearce, Wayne and Jan Becker, James Bedinger, John Bell, Greg Benjamin, Bob and Marijean Berg, Henry Betzer, Jean Binford, Richard and Judith Bixler, Charles W. Black, Eileen Blasi, Marjorie Blodgett, Alan Blough, Daisy Blue, John Bomgardner, John Bonner, John and Nellie Boyle,   Eugene Brane, Ken and Trish Brasted, Lena Mae Brooks, Bill Broughton, Cheryl Brown, Phil and Martha Brubaker, Robert Bunting, W.H. Burch, John and Pamela Burkholder, Jan Bush, Fred Buss, Pat Campbell, Dorothy Carlson, Cindy Carnahan, Sheryl Cary, William and Patricia Chamberlain, R.M. and Barbara Charlton, E. Jane Chastain, Charles Christian, Gary Clark, F.N. Clavin, Stephen and Margie Coberley, Sam Cohlmia, Dennis and Jeanne Coleman, Janet Coleman, Norman and Carolyn Conley, Michael and Louann Considine, Sam Cooper, Jay Cooper, Edwin and Carolyn Cooper, Roxy Cramer, Irene B. Crews, Renee Cristiano, David and Susan Crockett, Kathryn Culbertson, John and Ann Cunningham, Karen D. Day, Tanya Deiter, Robert and Roseann Dool, Larry and Patricia Eck, Delores Eck, Don and Chamaiporn Ehret, Randy and Margaret Ellenz, Francis Farmer, Janet Faust, Kurt and Julie Fiscko, George and Barbara Fiser, Charles Fletcher, Kay Flook, Dan and Linda Foley, Richard and Lois E. Foote, John and Connie Ford, Clifton Forrest, Bob Foutes, Hugh and Betty Frederick, Doris Fredin, Jean Garvey, Marvin and Mary Ann Gertsen, Tom and Joan Gilley, Almetta Glenn, Don Glenn, J. Mike Goodwin, Myron Graham, Charles Grassman, Marilyn Gray, John and Karen Hageman, Reid Hanley, Elizabeth Harlenske, Wayne and Patsy Harrell, Joe Harrison, Stephen and Wilma Ruth Hart, J. Harold and Dorothy Hauck, Richard Havner, Dean and Sandra Hazlett, Elinor Heath, Kenneth Hedrick, Eric and Carla Heimerman, Terry Hervey, Al and Judy Higdon, Larry and Paula Hlobik, Owen Hobson, Virginia Hodge, Hans Hoffmann, Max and Lois Hubbard, Max Huffman, Gene and Margaret Ann Hughes, Myron and Joyce Hultgren, Charles Jackman, Jick and Kaki Jackson, James and J. Maria Jackson, June Jacob, Elmer and Judy Jones, Larry and Anita Jones, Frances Kentling, John and Susan Kice, Arnie and Shoshana Kimeldorf, Don and Elizabeth King, Janet Kinsley, Kirk and Connie Kisinger, Arnie and Marilyn Kroupa, Mary Kuhn, Karen LaForce, Jerry and Marla Laham, Stuart and Catherine Lane, Marcene Larkin, Carla Lee, Annette Lemert, Martha Lewis, Kenneth Liggett, Kimberly Lind, Art and Jeanne Littell, Charles Long, Dale Maltbie, Jennine Marrone, Harold Rex Martin, Naomi Matney, Del and Linda Matney, Brian and Gisela Mauden, Otto and Joleen Maynard, Edwin McGuire, Verlon McKay, Margaret McKinney, J. Michael McMillan, Douglas and Lois McNicol, Robert Meilert, John J. Meilert, Ivri Messinger, Edwin Miller, Don Moore, Rebecca Morgan, Paul Morris, John and Kay Morse, Robt B. Morton, David and Terri Moses, Mark and Karen Mueller, Deane and Evelyn Myer, Robert Navrat, George Newton, Joe and Barbara Norton, Vivian Oatts,  Joe and Cristina Palacioz, Linda Palmer, Howard and Elvera Partington, Elinor Patton, Dick and Carol Peel, Mary C. Pegg, Shawn and Lynette Penner, Dorothy Pettersen, M. Jane Phares, Harry and Mildred Phillips, Christine Polk, Mary Lou Polson, Barbara Posner, Bill Powell, Robert Pugh, James Quinn, William Quint,  Betty Randels, Dorothy Ream, Cramer and Geney Reed, Raymond Rees, Cynthia Rhodes, William Riffel, C. Edward Riggs, Craig and Elizabeth Rindt, Harlan and Clastine Rippeteau, Gary Rowe, Dick Sanders, Michael and Sherryl Sargent, William and Barbara Scantlin, Kathleen Setzer, Margie Sheridan, Phil and Diane Shoemaker, J.W. and Patricia Siedhoff, Don and Alice Jane Small, Bert and Joyce Smith, Mary Snyder, Kevin and Christina Snyder, Conner and Baerbel Sorensen, V. Cathy South, Steve and Mary Steeby, Betty Lou Stewart, John and Betty Stivers, Cliff Stone, Arieh and Rama Strod, Robert Strong, Scott and Jean Stucky, John Stucky, Irvin Sullivan, Ronald and Coralyn Summers, Carolyn Taylor, Donald and Janice Tener, Pauline Toews, Ernest and Judy Ann Trujillo, Edwin and Ruth Unger, Richard Wallace, Kathleen Walsh, Sybil Washburn, Myron and Elaine Webster, Brian Wells, Randall and Marilyn Wells, Dick and Betty Welsbacher, John and Melba Widdowson, Bill Wiesner, L.D. Wilderom, David Wiley, Mike Williams, Jackie Williams, Marjorie Williams, Maxine Williams, Deborah Willsie, James Wilson, Leslie Wilson, Phyllis Wilson, Gary and Virginia Wise, Loy Wood, Gary Wood, Gordon Wood, Mark Woods, Fred and Dorothy Wylie, William and Jan Yaeger, Helen Catherine Zandler, Jim and Patti Zielke, Steven Zillinger


Shockers Return

Nineteen hundred fifty-three was the year that President Truman announced the development of the hydrogen bomb — and the year members of the University of Wichita’s senior class earned their college degrees.

Director's Corner

Brad S. Beets ’87, WSU Alumni Association executive director, looks forward to the year ahead.

President's Corner

Jeff Degraffenreid ’88 sums up his year as association president.

Nerds, Radicals & Turkeys

It is a truth universally accepted that what Shockers want is a good time.

A Most Fashionable Affair

Shockers of every age — including Dee Anne and Haley Fahnestock — were out in style April 11 at the Olive Tree Banquet Hall.


WSUAA News and Events

Being the Ball

The 2003 Shocker Open — sponsored by the WSU Alumni Association and better known as “Be the Ball” Caddyshock III — invaded the links at Wichita’s Willowbend Golf Course April 28 and challenged golfers to some steep alumni competition.

Thank You, 2003 Heritage Fund Contributors

The association salutes these generous individuals and couples who contributed to the 2003 Heritage Fund.