Summer 2004

President's Corner


Vision, by definition, means “a mental image produced by the imagination.” In the past several months, I have found that the imaginations of Wichita State University alumni, WSU Alumni Association staff and WSU faculty and staff are vivid and full of passion for Wichita State.

Working with John Belt, WSU associate professor emeritus of management, the members of the WSU Alumni Association Board of Directors have created a Vision Statement for the association:

Our vision is to provide an opportunity for those who love WSU to connect with one another in vibrant and diverse ways, guided by these principles:

* We will foster active participation and pride in WSU through increased membership and support, quality services and imaginative communication.

* We will enhance the association’s position as a vital part of the community, and provide such dynamic programming and enthusiasm that it will always be worthy of national acclaim.

* We will radiate such passion for WSU that others will easily see that their involvement with the association will be meaningful and exhilarating.

This newly developed Vision Statement is meant to be a compelling and unifying vision for our association. I believe it is.

As I end my year as association president, I am very excited about our future. Dr. Belt told members of the association’s board of directors, “When organizations stop dreaming, they stop growing.” This is clearly not the case with the WSU Alumni Association. We have some powerful dreamers who have a tremendous passion for our future.

Thank you for letting me serve as president of this vibrant organization.


One for the Memory Book

1954 graduates from the University of Wichita were toasted and fêted May 14-15 at their 50-year class reunion.

Leading Edge

Dave Dahl, president-elect, and Kathy Sexton, 2004-05 president, are at the leading edge of alumni affairs.

Cinderella Story

CaddyShock IV — this year’s WSU Alumni Association-sponsored golf tournament, The Shocker Open — turned out to be a true Cinderella story.

Shocker Faces

Shocker Snapshots

Director's Corner

We should show the pride we feel as Shockers to everyone we come in contact with — to proudly announce: "I Am Wichita State!"

President's Corner

Vision, by definition, means “a mental image produced by the imagination.” In the past several months, I have found that the imaginations of Wichita State University alumni, WSU Alumni Association staff and WSU faculty and staff are vivid and full of passion for Wichita State.


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